To help you begin having conversations with your children about money at home, we have developed a free parental guide for children up to 12 years of age. It features Ollie the Owl, as he begins his journey of discovery about money and includes some easy lessons to help your children to understand the concept of money, its uses, and to learn about planning, spending and saving it.
It is never too early to start good habits. Research shows that children as young as age 3 can develop an awareness of money and, by age 7, develop money habits for life.
We know that parents want their children to appreciate the value of money and understand how money works. In collaboration with Ireland’s leading financial education experts, we have developed a unique financial education programme for parents.
The material has been developed so that it can be delivered with ease in the form of engaging money chats and challenges. There is no complicated financial terminology and anyone with a little time can engage with programme material.
This fun and engaging guide will help children aged up to 12 years learn about:
- The history of money
- Where money comes from
- How to be smart with cash
- Planning to save and spend wisely
- Budgeting
The financial education programme is packed with interesting stories, challenges, and much more!