Domestic, Financial and Economic Abuse

Anyone can be a victim of abuse. It can happen in relationships, within families and with other trusted people.
Domestic, financial and economic abuse often overlap with one leading to another.
We are here to help…

Useful Contacts


National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Freephone 24-hour helpline run in partnership with Refuge and Women’s Aid.

0808 200 0247


The Men’s Advice Line

Confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence.

0808 801 0327


National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline

Helpline open to anyone LBGT+ in the UK including friends, family and professionals who may be concerned about an LGBT+ person who is experiencing abuse.

0800 999 5428



Confidential services providing information and support to older persons. Also for anyone concerned about an older person at risk of, experiencing, or recovering from a form of abuse.

0808 808 8141


Victim Support

Independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales.

08 08 16 89 111

Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA)

UK charity dedicated to raising awareness of economic abuse