Support during bereavement

If you have recently lost a loved one, please accept our deepest sympathies.

We understand that it can be a challenging time when a family member or someone close to you dies. It can be hard to cope with the loss of a loved one and to manage legal and financial matters at the same time.

We’re here to help you manage the process of closing or amending any accounts the deceased may have had with us and provide our support.

Useful contacts


Below is a list of some organisations and resources you may find helpful.



What to do when someone dies.


National Association of Funeral Directors

Provide support and guidance to funeral firms and bereaved families in their care.



Government website with information on benefits, tax credits, UK State Pension and other support.


Cruse Bereavement Support

Support for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one.

0808 808 1677


Child Bereavement UK

Support for children, young people, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or a child dies.

0800 02 888 40


WAY – Widowed and Young

National UK charity for people aged 50 or under when their partner died.

0300 201 0051


Bank of Ireland UK Security and Fraud Page

It is important to protect yourselves. There is plenty of help on our website.